While well-designed operational controls mitigate many risks, comprehensive emergency response measures are essential to protect crew, vessels, and the environment ... To effectively manage these risks, the SMS should include ... FireManagement.
The other 39 passengers and five crew members were rescued ...Egyptian police have launched an investigation into the disaster and have questioned the crew, according to the BBC ... Some of the passengers were told by a crew member that he 'could not swim'.
On the morning of April 28, delegates will be able to attend both the Crewing In The Digital Age workshop as well as the RiskManagement In Dry Bulk session prior to the main conference launching after lunch.
Very poor that the show continued for 15mins while compressions took place with only patrons yelling to stop the show while crew attended to the person,' one wrote.
Auckland Council parks and community facilities general manager Taryn Crewe said that land in Reweti could provide decades worth of provision in North WestAuckland. "It's one of our preferred areas to establish a new cemetery," Crewe said.
ColumbiaGroup, a leading global ship management and crew management service provider, will take over the management of the ocean-going fleet operated within the AD Ports Group ... management practices.
N-O-G owns more than 60 crew transfer vessels (CTVs) and has previously managed SOVs, but this is its first owned SOV... "We're entering a new segment, but with our previous SOV management ...
Waikumete Cemetery, in West Auckland, “has capacity constraints and additional land is required to meet future needs”, Auckland Council’s general manager of parks and community facilities Taryn Crewe says.
Now that the season has reached mid-way point, the gloves are coming off between the two crew members and Chef Tzarina Mace-Ralph ... Although Lara has criticized Wihan’s management of the deck team, she doesn’t have issues with all of them.
(OTCPINK.ELVG) ("Elvictor" or "the Company"), a leader in digitalized maritime crew management, announced today three significant strategic developments aimed at accelerating growth, enhancing transparency, and improving investor communications.
It also addresses major challenges such as the certification of hydrogen systems, risk management, and crew training, paving the way for the safe integration of hydrogen technology into maritime operations.
Families fled in haste, many heading to the nearby town of Al-Shajara, carrying little beyond what they could manage ... "People were running, but there were no medical crews to help the wounded.".
Families fled in haste, many heading to the nearby town of Al-Shajara, carrying little beyond what they could manage ... bodies in the streets," said Ahmad Abd Raboh, a resident who managed to escape.